Fire cupping therapy has remarkable results in alleviating muscle pain, menstrual pain, constipation and other bowel irritations, common cold symptoms, hypertension, stress, insomnia and other imbalances. It has been applied since 1000b.C in China, ancient Greece, native Americans and Egyptians. For many years in Greece their use was limited and most greek people know cupping therapy as a traditional grandma’s treatment.

The last years in western world cupping therapy has returned with wide use from professional athletes in order to accelerate muscle healing after injury, celebrities, and holistic therapists.

During a Cupping Therapy session, the therapist will place cups on specific points on the body, using fire to create suction inside the cup. The cups are left in place for several minutes, allowing the suction to draw blood and lymphatic fluid to the area.


You can enjoy fire cupping as a standalone treatment for neck, upper & lower back (30 minutes) or in combination with holistic massage treatment (60 or 90 minutes). Feel free to contact us for your appointment!